Monday, March 3, 2014


Last night we returned home from Vermont.
White snowy wonderful Vermont.
The only word that really describes how I am feeling is "moved."
Actually that word was kind of last week's motto.
We helped our dear friends and neighbors move to Brattleboro, Vermont,
And in the course of visiting there for a couple of days, I was inwardly moved.
Praying for over a year and finally getting to see this place,
Getting off a plane to a place you have never been but oddly feel like you are familiar with.
Your heart aching to be in a place you have only spent a few days in.
Your heart aching for the lost people you now see in front of you.
Everything about the trip, from the arrival to the goodbyes (ouch my heart)
was eye opening and yes, moving.
So hard to write down all the thoughts going on in my head.
In many ways I am still suffering from cultural shock.
Since I have been back one thing keeps grabbing my attention.
It is not about how much you know, it is not about how "spiritual" you appear,
it is about Jesus. 
Always has been, always will be.
The people there are searching and seeking truth, love, forgiveness, grace.
And Jesus is calling them
"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28


  1. Love this. So grateful for you and Justin, and so excited to see how the Lord moves you here.

  2. I am so excited too^^! Expectant from the Lord to see how He works in His sovereignty! It's amazing to see how He has confirmed so much that your family is to be there!!!
