Humility. How The Lord uses it to bring about such a sanctifying and sweet surrendering process to His children. Lately, He's been speaking this word to me. Teaching me, and through Jesus's example, showing me. But I fail so often, I'm discovering most of my arguments, my disagreements with people, they're brought on when I allow myself to get consumed with myself. I think that makes sense, I hope it does, it's one of those things that sounds good in your head and I'm starting to trail off here. Let's just say when I'm more concerned about the affairs of steph, I become defensive and unpleasant to be around. Yeah basically I can be a brat.
But grace, grace comes in in and works on our hearts, molding the me me me, into the You You You. The Lord has begun a time of preparation for my little family, a season of preparation for an upcoming mission The Lord has asked us to be a part of. Already He has been more than faithful to reveal our weak areas, and show His strength to sustain us. Humility can be an unpleasant word, it doesn't fit in with this fallen world. But so often in scripture we are told how blessed are the humble in spirit, that The Lord sustains them, forgives them, and delights in them. Let us all be strong enough to kneel and bow before the most humble of Kings.
(On a side note I wrote this post on my phone, so if my phone has once again decided to copy and paste a text to this post I apologize, my iPhone has no humility)
amen, sister.