I feel like I am always asking for patience, I either am asking for more or asking that I don't lose what patience I have. But is that just me? I mean I get told all the time "don't ask for patience because what patience you have will be tested!"
I think this is what the Lord keeps speaking into my heart the past few weeks.
"Patience, Steph. There's grace for everything. Patience Steph, I know the details. Patience, Steph, in Me everything is redeemable."
I am probably the least patient person, no really I am. If things happen at a slower pace than my mind is running at I freak out just a bit. Like I start to pace and lava comes out of my head.
Recently my two year old son has reached the age of mass destruction and hysteria. He not only is the Godzilla, he is the poor village people running around screaming about him too.
For instance, in the course of one day he "sprinkled" which is a nice term for "covered every area" of the living room and dining room with baby cereal. Which is the same consistency as dandruff, anybody else notice that or is that just me? Anway after dumping baby dandruff cereal everywhere he then dumped out the ENTIRE bottle of baby shampoo into the bath tub. Then after doing these things, screamed and freaked out that he had done them. My son expresses guilt with high pitched screams. Real repentance going on there.
And in the midst of cleaning up, disciplining, cleaning again, calming down, disciplining, trying not to lose my cool, James 1:4 whispers into my mind. "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
Let patience have it's work. Which means the Spirit has supplied all the patience I need, I just have to allow it to work in me. I have to let it. I have to let go of the idea that I could produce patience in myself. That it is a natural part of who I am. It is not, to my flesh patience is foreign, but as a believer, pateince is accesible and ready to go.
We all need patience, in the time of waiting the Lord does wondrous things. I am learning that as I raise my children, as we prepare to move to Vermont, as we wait for clear direction and answers on what that all will look like, I know in the waiting the Lord is doing a mighty work.
I will be gone a few days helping our dear friends move to Vermont! My first time seeing the town the Lord has put on my heart. I will finally get to lay eyes on a spiritual battlefield and put faces to the people in Brattleboro that I have prayed for for 18 months. Please pray for safe travels, for sweet fellowship, and for patience. Time and patience, patience and time, hand in hand they are background tools woven by God into all of our testimonies. Let it have its work in you today.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
well hello there
Well hello there babe.
It's Valentine's Day and you know what that means?
It means I look back at all the embarrassing pictures of us when we were16.
It means I reflect and think back about our relationship together, and it's full of laughs and tears, but more laughs than tears and I'm grateful for that.
Can you believe that just a few months after this pic we were parents?
And now we have three and our oldest is about to be seven?
Question, why do you look so upset in this pic?
Is it because you were looking directly into the sun?
Thanks for always being my shade by the way.
Can you believe you used to put "Sun In" in your hair?
Can you believe I wore those bug eye glasses?
I know we dont really celebrate Valentines because our anniversary is only a week away,
but I couldn't help it. And there may or may not be candy.
Who am I kidding there's always candy!

Who am I kidding there's always candy!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
wonderfully made
My friend took progressive pictures of my last pregnancy, and I am so grateful for them.
They bring me to my knees in gratefulness and praise to God for my sweet babes.
They are a sweet celebration of life.
Today I am praying for the unborn, for abortion to be ended.
I am praying for barren wombs to be filled and open arms to remain steadfast.
For orphans and longing parents to find each other.
That this fallen world would turn back to its Creator and see the gift of life as a blessing, not a choice.
Would you boldly pray with me?
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