Monday, December 30, 2013

new year's declaration

2013...gone already?
Year of finding a voice lost long ago.
Year of welcoming my third baby.
Year of reaching a new level in my marriage.
Year of creativity.
Year of growth.
Year of acceptance.
2013, even though you were riddled with some tears and growing pains, you were good to me. 
I know Jesus more because of you.
But next year, its gonna be good too. Because who wants to say that their next year is gonna be bad?
Next year, is a big year. I am not 100% sure why exactly, but I can feel it. 
There is gonna be a lot of changes next year, for the better. I feel the Lord is gonna do something big in our little family.
2014 I am ready for ya!
But you are making me realize some things I could work on changing.
So here is my declaration 2014!
I stephanie johnson, will get my booty up earlier in the mornings for quiet time. Which means I will put my booty in bed earlier at night. I will do better with time management!
 I will exercise. I just laughed out loud at this one, but I will do it! For reals. I have a condition called "muffin top" and it can only be cured with kale. Ok, maybe more than just kale, but kale will help!
I will run. I will run sometimes (let's not get too crazy!)
 I will stop eating the cookie dough in the fridge.
I will stop buying so much cookie dough.
I will drink more water! Get ready trusty Camelback!
I will read more instead of watch tv. I will ask people to hold me accountable to this, and maybe even read with me.
I will get better glasses (I really like the big glasses "nerdy" look, then realized the big glasses take up half my face, not comfy)
I will have more faith. I will trust that all things are possible with God.
I will start looking at oppurtunities with optimism and endurance rather than fear and doubt.
I will look at that mountain and say move.
I will daily take up my cross and wear a crown of thorns, knowing one day soon those will be exchanged for royal adornments.
I will show my kids, that Jesus is our greatest treasure. I will talk of Him daily, constantly.
I will laugh with my husband more, and encourage him.
I will serve my friends with integrity and humbleness.
I will face the changes ahead of me with grace (and a full water bottle)
In Jesus name, bless this upcoming year.
Sincerely, steph.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

From Vermont to the Heavens

Vermont you say? You know it's cold in Vermont?
These are usually the responses we get (and first gave) when we talk about where the Lords called us to go.
You see Jesus wasn't specific about locations in His great commission, He said go everywhere.
Go to the ends of the earth and back again declaring My name.
When we first spoke with Ben and Kayla Whittinghill about the Lord's calling in their lives to plant a church in Brattleboro Vermont, my hubs and I were supportive, and a little bewildered. As new believers we saw how The Lord called believers into exotic countries, to places far and wide. But to be a missionary in America? 
We were brought to the sad reality that though there are many in nations far that need to hear the good news, there's many in America that need to hear it too. And they don't need to just hear, they need to see Jesus in the lives of those that are faithful to go and witness.
At first, we prayed for our dear friends, we prayed for their mission and protection and for those lost in Vermont. Over months our prayers changed into seeking confirmation if The Lord would call us to join them. Over much time, over the course of seeking counsel from God, devouring the Word with earnest, He confirmed. And He hasn't ceased to confirm since. 
And now here we are, in the midst of preparation, and friends, I'm scared. 
I'm a planner, a scheduler, I love lists and to write them and check them off, and this new season, there are no lists. There's only faith. There's stepping out of my comfort and control, and placing myself and little family into the sure and steady hands of the One who holds all things together. 
There is no PowerPoint layout of what our lives are gonna look like from here on out. There's only a command for us to "go and make disciples of peoples in Vermont, declaring My name from there to the Heavens."
And this next year, the one that's right around the corner, it's rich with God's promises. Time to let go of the fear in this valley, and cling to the Savior that's right here in the middle of it with me.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Christmas Happys

So I know I said that fall was my husband's jams, but in reality Christmas is the jams of those jams for my man. When it comes to decorating and gift giving and merriment, he is all in. The Christmas carols and Michel Buble Christmas cd get whipped out early in this household! Weeks before Thanksgiving he was already shower singing (term I made up while one sings in the shower without knowing someone else is listening) "Let it snow."
But I am so thankful for his excitement, because it excites me and our kids about the joy of this season. The joy the angels felt when they proclaimed the good news of our Savior's birth to the shepherds on that hill. The joy Mary felt when this little babe she had grown and loved since speaking to Gabriel had made His way into her arms. The joy earth felt when at last, her King had come! 
This joy has been welcomed into our home as the crafting and decorating for this season has gotten into full swing!
 Our Christmas tree stands tall and proud high above the reaches of grabby little two year old hands!
 Baby trees and a bird! If you have never seen the clip of the show Portlandia's "Put a Bird on It," you are missing out. One of my best friends gave me a couple fake birds to decorate with because she knows that cracks me up!
This little banner I made out of a yard of burlap, some twine and a sharpie marker. Unfortunately due to the stockings you can only see the "Silent" part of "Silent Night." I promise I didn't make a banner that said "silent" to get my kids to be quiet now and then, but hey everybody needs visual reminders sometimes!
 My husband came up with the idea to make this little stocking holder guy. He used a random piece of wood we had laying in the basement, does anybody else have random wood in your house? Anyway he grabbed some old drawer handles and chalkboard paint and made this cutie!

 My happy little tree family! My daughter came up with the idea of making a unique tree for each member of our family. She gets most of her creativity from her mama, dad helped.

 Ah the entryway table, one of my favorite little nooks in our home.
 A great and wonderfully talented friend of mine drew this on our chalkboard, she whipped this guy out in less than twenty minutes! I am so glad she could do this for me because it would have taken me til Christmas to get it done and not look this good!
 This tiny yet serene nativity has been in my family a long time, and it makes me tear up and smile all at the same time.
And shout out to the greatest candle ever made!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope ya'll enjoy your Christmas happys and sharing in the joy of Christ's birth!